publish a book

美 [ˈpʌblɪʃ ə bʊk]英 [ˈpʌblɪʃ ə bʊk]
  • 出版书
publish a bookpublish a book
  1. He hopes he can publish a book like a duck to water .


  2. She was also a poet and the first African-American ever to publish a book .


  3. You 're about to publish a book by an author you know shit about .


  4. I will keep doing it , and maybe publish a book some day , said Chen .


  5. I would love to compile my snowflake pictures to publish a book .


  6. I was able to learn every character and ultimately publish a book with my son Tony .


  7. Rodale plans to publish a book about the November Project in 2016 .


  8. Somebody said recently that the best thing a student could do was to get in some shows and publish a book ;


  9. Moreover , anybody can now publish a book , through Amazon and a number of other services .


  10. It is one thingto publish a book in the Comfortof the university .


  11. Times Books recently announced that it will publish a Book of socially-conscious poetry by former President Jimmy carter .


  12. Bae Yong Joon-san is planning to publish a book on beauty of Korea and beauty of Japan .


  13. In this connection , we think it appropriate to publish a book and make an exhibition for the memory of the Chinese people , which we call China Memory .


  14. She plans to publish a book with her writings and pictures , in several languages that she has mastered , including Chinese , English , French and Hindi .


  15. So what I wanted to do was to publish a book that sets these myths straight , that debunks them all , and that became my goal .


  16. All publishers should treat to publish a red tourism book of high quality as a long-term focus .


  17. Later this month Christian Caryl , a veteran foreign correspondent now based in Washington , will publish a timely new book , Strange Rebels : 1979 and the Birth of the 21st Century .


  18. Mr Flynn , who will publish his findings in a book , said more data was needed to explain the trend .
